Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Happy Fibro Day!

May 12, 2015 is “Fibromyalgia Awareness Day”.  It’s actually called National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Awareness Day. But that’s a bit too long and wordy to fit neatly on a banner, and it’s a little too cumbersome for a song.  (“Happy Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Awareness Day to You…”) So, to keep it more concise, I’ll just wish you all a Happy Fibro Day.

So, what do I wish for on this Fibro Day?  

I wish that people would understand that Fibromyalgia is a REAL condition.  Statistically, 3-6 percent of the population in the United States suffers from Fibromyalgia.  Yet, many people are not convinced that it’s real. This is partly because there is currently no definitive medical test for Fibromyalgia. Also, the main symptoms of Fibromyalgia (pain, fatigue, mental confusion) are not visible.  If people can’t see the symptoms, they don’t understand them. In addition, nobody understands the root cause of Fibromyalgia. And if something doesn’t have a known cause, its legitimacy is often questioned.  This is why even medical professionals call Fibromyalgia a “trash can” diagnosis (as my own doctor did when I first asked her about it).

I wish that people wouldn’t judge those of us who have Fibromyalgia. People who suffer from Fibromyalgia are often called lazy, fat, attention-seeking, hypochondriac, and crazy (among other things.) Adding to the judgmental views of Fibromyalgia is the fact that most Fibromyalgia patients are female. As many as 90 percent of Fibromyalgia cases are diagnosed in females, according to U.S. government statistics. In general, society seems to be more comfortable judging women than men. Women are often taken less seriously than men and we have to fight harder to be recognized for our rights and accomplishments. Weight gain (caused by medications or the disease itself) as well as the inability to work outside of the home are causes for ridicule for many female sufferers of Fibromyalgia. 

I wish that people would understand how hard it is for us to just get through a normal day. Those of us who have Fibromyalgia only have a certain amount of energy to get through each day. Any activity takes away from that energy reserve.  Taking a shower is exhausting. Getting dressed is exhausting. Making breakfast is exhausting.  And it goes on and on throughout the day. Things that healthy people consider normal are often extremely difficult for Fibromyalgia sufferers. (And by the way, the exhaustion that we feel isn’t like simply being a little sleepy. It’s more like the feeling you have after you’ve been sick with the flu for a week and your entire body aches and your muscles feel like lead weights. Imagine that, all the time.) We need people to understand that by the end of the day we might not have the energy to cook dinner, socialize or do much more than sit.

I wish that people would understand that we are in control of our own pain management and treatment plans. I really do appreciate when friends or family members tell me about treatments they’ve read about. It shows me that they care, and that means the world to me. However, I want people to know that most of the time, if you’ve read about it, so have I. Most people with Fibromyalgia have spent many hours researching treatments, and we’ve either tried them or we have good reasons for why we decided not to try them. If there was a legitimate cure for Fibromyalgia, we would know about it and we’d already be using it. 

I could probably go on, but I will stop here.  I wish everybody who has Fibromyalgia a pain-free day! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dandelion Infused Oil

I have a confession to make.  I’ve love dandelions! I realize that many people think dandelions are weeds.  I know that people spend lots of money to have dandelions chemically removed from their lawns.  But I think these weeds are beautiful. To me, dandelions are a sign of resilience. Even after the harshest of winters, come spring, dandelions are always there, with their little yellow heads pointing towards the sun.

Dandelions make me happy.  And it turns out that they have lots of health benefits too.  All parts of the dandelion (including the roots) can be ingested, and are often used as a natural remedy for many ailments.  As I’ve read more about dandelions, I learned that when they are infused into oil, they can help relieve aching muscles and joints.  That sounds good to me and my sore fibro-body!  So, I’ve decided to give the dandelion oil a try. Here in Wisconsin, we’re still waiting for the dandelions to forge their way out of the frozen tundra.  But I thought while I was waiting, I’d share the recipe for dandelion infused oil with you.  That way, as soon as those gorgeous yellow blooms show up, we’ll be ready!

How to Make Dandelion Infused Oil:

  1. Pick a bunch of dandelions, while they're still yellow.  (If you have young children, they’ll love to help with this step!)  You only need the heads of the dandelions for the oil. You’re going to need enough dandelion heads to fill a jar.
  2. This step is optional, but you may want to dry out the dandelion heads so that your infused oil doesn’t get too watery.  To do this, cover a cookie tray with a few sheets of paper towel and lay the dandelion heads on the tray.  Let it sit overnight before you move onto the next step.
  3. Fill a clear jar with the dandelion heads.
  4. Add olive oil to the top of the jar.  Stir the dandelions around a bit to make sure the oil filters down into the jar, and add more oil if needed.  (Grapeseed oil or almond oil would also work.)
  5. Cover the jar with a coffee filter or paper towel.  Wrap a rubber band around the jar to hold the cover on.  Set the jar in a sunny spot for two weeks.
  6. After two weeks, strain the oil into a clean container and discard the dandelion heads.  Keep the oil in a cool, dark place.  (It can be kept in your refrigerator.)  
The oil can used warm or cold (heat it in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up).  Rub the oil onto your sore joints or muscles to feel relief from the pain.