Monday, March 16, 2015

Yes, I'm Happy. But That Doesn't Mean I'm All Better

I'm starting to realize that one of the hardest things for people to understand is that while I might LOOK ok, I don't always FEEL ok.  When I am happy (or energetic, or excited, or ____  fill in the blank), it doesn't necessarily mean that I am feeling well, physically.  I have been in pain for so long that I have learned how to deal with it. When something makes me feel happy, I will show that happiness. The fact that I feel happy does not mean that I don't also feel pain.

Even though I have this chronic condition, I still am trying to enjoy my life.  I will laugh at funny movies or smile when cats do something silly. In fact laughter actually has been scientifically proven to reduce pain, so it's good for me to laugh and have fun. But please remember, that even though I might be happy, I still have Fibromyalgia.  I am still in pain and I'm not all better, even though I may look "normal".

Fibromyalgia is a silent and invisible illness. People don't always understand it because they cannot see it.  But believe me, it is real, and it is constant. So, if I seem happy to you, I probably am still in pain, but just let me be happy for that moment.  I'll take all the happy moments I can get!

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